29 weeks!
31 weeks!
I skipped 30 weeks, sorry! But just imagine a belly size in between 29 and 31! Yesterday I made it to 32 weeks! And I still need to take that picture!
Let's see what has happened in the past month...
1.) Passed my glucose test with flying colors!! My score was 80 and I believe the max you can have is 120.
2.) Had 2 doctor appointments, all is well with Baby Meyer, she's growing right on schedule, heart rate is good, my weight gain is good! (Well it's normal anyway....not that I enjoy seeing myself gain 25 lbs or more....)
3.) Baby furniture is ordered, as well as some of the other accessories! Just got a call yesterday that our glider is shipping and we should have the glider and our dresser sometime next week! Crib is also ordered, should be here in another 2 weeks or so! Look for pictures as soon as they come in!
4.) Baby showers are planned!!! I am one lucky lady, Little Baby Meyer is getting 4 showers! Family and friends shower hosted by my sister, Church shower hosted by my SIL and 2 work showers from both my work and Andrew's work! Our first one is August 14th, and our last is September 4th. So we will be very busy for a while!
5.) Last night was our last birthing class! We are now officially ready to have this baby! LOL! Both Andrew and I have thoroughly enjoyed going to these weekly classes. We've learned a lot, and our instructor Meredith rocked! She's one of the OB nurses, we hope she's working when we go into labor!
Phew...that's a lot going on, and I'm sure it will keep getting busy! Tata for now!