Belly button innie or outtie: Right now it's neither, it is flat.
Baby is the size of a(n): Honeydew! She now weighs 6 lbs and is anywhere from 18-20 inches long! We get a growth ultrasound today for a better estimate on how big she really is!
Baby Movement: She is still rolling around, and making my stomach look all funny-like!
Any stretch marks? is a sad day......the stretch marks have appeared on the belly. I guess when they say it's all in your genetics is true, because I've been lubing up the belly from the get go......and they did not stay away! I just hope not many more appear!
Cravings? Still no midnight runs for Andrew! But we do have a bottle of M&Ms (courtesy of my sis) that seem to be dwindling pretty fast!
Weight gain: I'm just going to answer this one with yes....yes there is.....
Other pregnancy symptoms: My feet were big fat frodo feet last week! But a nice pedicure and parrafin and hot stone massage on them (courtesy of my mother in law) made the swelling go down, and now they are pretty!!!! And Braxton Hicks seem to be coming much more frequent, but nothing timeable.
Overall feeling: I definitely had an "Oh crap" moment this week. Andrew and I were just talking about how on a typical day, we come home, and usually put up our feet to relax, and watch a little tv. Well no more! Once baby Meyer comes, gone are the days of relaxing with just the two of us! It's definitely becoming real, finally! And that scares me just a little bit!
And since I missed a post on week 35, here are the two week pics.

36 Weeks