Thanks for stopping by
and for the support over the past weeks! Just a reminder, here are the
lovely ladies hosting this link up: Alison, Jamie, Katy, Erin, & Elodie.
●How I did on last week’s goal(s):
Goal 1: Read through full story: I made it through 60% of the story.
Goal 2: Write 1 new scene: I'm saying yes to this, because I added a bunch more to existing scenes, to really flesh them out.
Goal 2: Write 1 new scene: I'm saying yes to this, because I added a bunch more to existing scenes, to really flesh them out.
●My goal(s) for this week:
1. Finish the read through
2. Add another new scene or flesh out existing scenes
3. Make notes for final scenes and ending of book
●A favorite line from my story OR a word or phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised:
This is a snippet from the beginning that I revised.
When Gia opened her eyes, she knew she was dreaming. Her gigantic boobs were clue number one. Clue number two was she had no idea where the hell she was.
●The biggest challenge I faced this week (ie finding time to write, getting sick, having writer’s block, etc):
It was hard not to red line all of my errors while I was reading through. My main goal was to catch big plot problems, inconsistencies, etc, but I kept getting into the small little details, which took me longer than I was anticipating.
●Something I love about my WIP:
Reading from the beginning was really beneficial to me. I saw a lot more errors in my writing, which I think I am getting better with now! It's great to see that I am learning to be a better writer!
Happy Monday!