December 2014

December 2014

Monday, August 10, 2015

Ready. Set. Write! Week 9 Check In
A little late in posting on Monday but here I am!
  Just a reminder, here are the lovely ladies hosting this link up: AlisonJamieKatyErin, & Elodie.

    ●How I did on last weeks goal(s):
This week was my mulligan week.
Goal 1: Finish my read through: Complete!
Goal 2: Add another new scene or flesh out existing scenes: Added a little bit here, more fleshing out than anything.
Goal 3: Make notes for final scenes and ending of book: Worked on this a bit. I know how I want the ending to go, it's just getting all the pieces to fit that is the struggle. 

     ●My goal(s) for this week:
I'm going back to my trusty word count goal for this week.
2000 words.

   ●A favorite line from my story OR a word or phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised:
Lots of pondering and putting the puzzle together.

    ●The biggest challenge I faced this week (ie finding time to write, getting sick, having writers block, etc):
In order to finish the ending, I had to figure out the backstory of my MC's family and how all of the people weave together. I'm basically figuring out the story before my actual story takes place, a prequel if you will. But I had to finalize that story first before even finishing my real story! LOL, did that make sense? Hopefully now I have it all straight in my head so I can finish writing the ending!

    ●Something I love about my WIP:
Even though I had to figure out the backstory, I love the story even more and where it is taking me.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Ready. Set. Write! Week 8 Check In
Thanks for stopping by and for the support over the past weeks!  Just a reminder, here are the lovely ladies hosting this link up: AlisonJamieKatyErin, & Elodie.

    ●How I did on last weeks goal(s):
Goal 1: Finish my read through: So, so close! I literally have 10 pages left.
Goal 2: Add another new scene or flesh out existing scenes: Big fat F on this one.
Goal 3: Make notes for final scenes and ending of book: Another fail!

     ●My goal(s) for this week:
Can I get a do-over?? Going to repeat my goals for the week, I'm going to get them done darn-it!

   ●A favorite line from my story OR a word or phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised:
Didn't write or revise this week.

    ●The biggest challenge I faced this week (ie finding time to write, getting sick, having writers block, etc):
The weather I think has really affected me this week. Every day this week it has rained and been gloomy all day. And then the weekend it also rained the whole time! You would think that would be a good excuse to stay inside and get my goals accomplished, but it didn't.

    ●Something I love about my WIP:
I guess the silver lining in all of this is I am itching to get back to the ending of my story and get it written!

I hope you had a great week, what's up with everyone?