As soon as we found out we were having a girl, my mind starting spinning on what I wanted the nursery to look like. I knew I didn't want your typical pink nursery, and since my favorite color is purple, I thought, oooh let's do purple! I also knew I didn't want to get a matchy match bedding and have that EVERYWHERE! So I started researching nurseries that I liked, and started to analyze why I liked them. I was making myself the client and trying to figure out what I liked. This was harder to do than I realized.
Once I had the main color idea, I needed to figure out what other colors I liked with purple? Due to my work background, I am surrounded by fabrics CONSTANTLY! And the newest trend coming out is purple and grey. And I was loving it!
Then Andrew had an idea....why not add some Disney flair to the nursery? If you haven't been to our home, we have Disney stuff everywhere, from ride posters, to statues, etc. So, how to add in some Disneyness, without getting all "themey"?
Insert baby Minnie:

So the color scheme became Purple, Grey, with pink accents, rose pink to be exact.

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