Belly button innie or outtie: The lip of my belly button (the outer rim) is slightly protruding.
Baby is the size of a(n): Watermelon! That's the last fruit! We had our growth ultrasound and baby weighs approximately 6lbs 9 ounces.
Baby Movement: Still lots of rolls and an occasional poke. She's definitely on my bladder, and I feel like I have to pee all the time!
Any stretch marks? No new ones, so I'm trying to stay positive!
Cravings? Nope, and I'm noticing that I can't eat a lot in one sitting anymore, there just isn't any room!
Weight gain: Still gaining, bleh!
Other pregnancy symptoms: Heartburn is back, fun fun! The tomato sauce I had for dinner last night did me in!
Progress? At my 37 week appt, I found out I am 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, YIKES! The OB didn't seem too concerned, but it definitely made Andrew and I go wha???? Better get those bags packed!

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