December 2014

December 2014

Friday, September 3, 2010

37 Weeks

How many weeks along: 37 -I am officially full term!

Belly button innie or outtie: The lip of my belly button (the outer rim) is slightly protruding.

Baby is the size of a(n): Watermelon! That's the last fruit! We had our growth ultrasound and baby weighs approximately 6lbs 9 ounces.

Baby Movement: Still lots of rolls and an occasional poke. She's definitely on my bladder, and I feel like I have to pee all the time!

Any stretch marks? No new ones, so I'm trying to stay positive!

Cravings? Nope, and I'm noticing that I can't eat a lot in one sitting anymore, there just isn't any room!

Weight gain: Still gaining, bleh!

Other pregnancy symptoms: Heartburn is back, fun fun! The tomato sauce I had for dinner last night did me in!

Progress? At my 37 week appt, I found out I am 2cm dilated and 70% effaced, YIKES! The OB didn't seem too concerned, but it definitely made Andrew and I go wha???? Better get those bags packed!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

36 Weeks

How many weeks along: 36
Belly button innie or outtie: Right now it's neither, it is flat.
Baby is the size of a(n): Honeydew! She now weighs 6 lbs and is anywhere from 18-20 inches long! We get a growth ultrasound today for a better estimate on how big she really is!
Baby Movement: She is still rolling around, and making my stomach look all funny-like!
Any stretch marks? is a sad day......the stretch marks have appeared on the belly. I guess when they say it's all in your genetics is true, because I've been lubing up the belly from the get go......and they did not stay away! I just hope not many more appear!
Cravings? Still no midnight runs for Andrew! But we do have a bottle of M&Ms (courtesy of my sis) that seem to be dwindling pretty fast!
Weight gain: I'm just going to answer this one with yes....yes there is.....
Other pregnancy symptoms: My feet were big fat frodo feet last week! But a nice pedicure and parrafin and hot stone massage on them (courtesy of my mother in law) made the swelling go down, and now they are pretty!!!! And Braxton Hicks seem to be coming much more frequent, but nothing timeable.
Overall feeling: I definitely had an "Oh crap" moment this week. Andrew and I were just talking about how on a typical day, we come home, and usually put up our feet to relax, and watch a little tv. Well no more! Once baby Meyer comes, gone are the days of relaxing with just the two of us! It's definitely becoming real, finally! And that scares me just a little bit!
And since I missed a post on week 35, here are the two week pics.

35 Weeks

36 Weeks

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

34 Weeks

How many weeks along: 34
Belly button innie or outtie: It's an innie, and I think it's going to stay that way!
Baby is the size of a(n): Honeydew! She now weighs 4.5 lbs and is anywhere from 18-20 inches long!
Baby Movement: Now that she is bigger, I feel more rolls and big pushes, no more quick jabs. And this month I have felt hiccups!! :) Almost everyday she gets them, they are the cutest thing!
Any stretch marks? No new ones, stomach is still stretch mark free (keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way)
Cravings? None to really mention, but I do have ice cream once a week.........more of a it's hot out I need some goodness rather than a craving I think.
Weight gain: I'm sure I've gained a little more, have my appt later today, but from my last appt, I've gained 26 lbs.
Other pregnancy symptoms: The Braxton Hicks contractions are coming more frequently, which is warm up for my real labor! They don't hurt, sometimes it's uncomfortable. I am getting up in the middle of the night every night now to pee, and it's still uncomfortable to move around in bed.
Overall feeling: Can't believe there are only 6 weeks left!!! It's slowly feeling very real....and I have my first shower this weekend, so super looking forward to seeing all my family and friends!

Look at that big ole belly!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Maternity Photo Sneak Peek!

So here is a sneak peak of our maternity photo shoot........


We aren't doing Maternity Photos, but I am attempting to take some photos myself and 'doctoring' them up a bit. Here's the real photo....
So did I fool you? Does the first one look real? Be honest!
And oh yeah, I still use "Psych" in my daily vocab, don't judge!

32 and 33 Weeks

Two weeks in one!

32 Weeks
33 Weeks
Baby is definitely getting bigger! No more quick, cute jabs. Now I feel the constant rolling and moving from her. I'm also getting Braxton Hicks a lot more frequent. The contractions don't hurt, but just tighten my belly up, and sometime make my belly look all deformed!!
We've started our day care search!! Not something I'm looking forward to, but it has to be done. And in all actuality, we probably should've started this sooner! We're realizing all of the day cares have waiting lists, some are 6 months up to a year! We're trying not to let this discourage us, since we won't need care right away.
Today is 34 weeks, and I hope to post tomorrow a new picture AND my pregnancy update! (I know, two posts in two days, who am I kidding?)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One month later.....

Ooops, I haven't updated in a month! My bad.......what's even worse is I haven't been keeping up with my weekly bump pictures either! Shame on me....blame it on the pregnancy brain!
Here's a quick synopsis of my belly....

29 weeks!

31 weeks!

I skipped 30 weeks, sorry! But just imagine a belly size in between 29 and 31! Yesterday I made it to 32 weeks! And I still need to take that picture!

Let's see what has happened in the past month...
1.) Passed my glucose test with flying colors!! My score was 80 and I believe the max you can have is 120.

2.) Had 2 doctor appointments, all is well with Baby Meyer, she's growing right on schedule, heart rate is good, my weight gain is good! (Well it's normal anyway....not that I enjoy seeing myself gain 25 lbs or more....)

3.) Baby furniture is ordered, as well as some of the other accessories! Just got a call yesterday that our glider is shipping and we should have the glider and our dresser sometime next week! Crib is also ordered, should be here in another 2 weeks or so! Look for pictures as soon as they come in!

4.) Baby showers are planned!!! I am one lucky lady, Little Baby Meyer is getting 4 showers! Family and friends shower hosted by my sister, Church shower hosted by my SIL and 2 work showers from both my work and Andrew's work! Our first one is August 14th, and our last is September 4th. So we will be very busy for a while!

5.) Last night was our last birthing class! We are now officially ready to have this baby! LOL! Both Andrew and I have thoroughly enjoyed going to these weekly classes. We've learned a lot, and our instructor Meredith rocked! She's one of the OB nurses, we hope she's working when we go into labor!

Phew...that's a lot going on, and I'm sure it will keep getting busy! Tata for now!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Carpet is in!

We got our carpet installed this past week in our Nursery! YAY!

Now I just need to order the dang furniture!

28 weeks

How many weeks along: 28

Belly button innie or outtie: Still an innie, woohoo!!

Baby is the size of a(n): Eggplant, last week as an eggplant, and she weighs 2.5 lbs!

Baby Movement: Lots of kicks and jabs, she is sure getting stronger!

Any stretch marks? least on my comment to where some have popped up... :/

Cravings? Hummus is my thing this week, can't get enough of it...yum yum! And it doesn't have a lot of calories, which is a good thing!

Weight gain: 20 lbs.

Other pregnancy symptoms: Heartburn is still there, but only at night after dinner. My feet are swelling everyday, and it's getting harder to roll over in bed....

Overall feeling: Excited this week! Got some things accomplished, and am overall feeling good. Trying to keep enjoying this pregnancy.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just like her mother!

Yesterday was our pre-natal appointment. We met with the third doctor, Dr. McLean, so now we have met all 3 doctors. She was great! Since all of the rooms were busy, we got the room where they do the sonographs. And since it was the end of the day, the doctor said we could check out the baby on the ultrasound! SCORE! It's been so long since we've seen her pretty little face, we could hardly wait! She was so big she no longer fits on the screen! The doctor zoomed in on her face, and little baby had her hands covering her face! Now is not the time to be shy little baby Meyer! It figures with both Andrew and I as parents, she is bound to be shy! Or maybe just stubborn, but she doesn't take after me on that one! :) Hahaha.......

But just seeing her on the screen, seeing her heart beat away, makes it ok to know she is growing and healthy!
We also made our appointment for the official 4d ultrasound! Hopefully she will be more cooperative then! And I have to schedule my Glucose Tolerance test, and my Rhogam shot. But as long as I pass the GTT, I shouldn't need anymore blood work, Hooray!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nursery Furniture Fiasco

So, if you remember from last Friday, Andrew and I's plan was to go to the nursery furniture store and purchase our crib. We knew the one we wanted and were ready to buy it.It's the Munire furniture line, the Bristol Crib, finish in cappuccino.
So we walk into the store and one of the employees informs us..
1.)That the store is closing
2.)That they are no longer ordering furniture
3.)All the floor models are on sale

I was sooooo we take a look at the Bristol crib that is on display...I start analyzing it and what do I see, but a nice pretty gash in the front bottom of the crib... :( I looked at the price, and it was only about $100 less than the original price. Looks like we won't be purchasing a crib today!! :(

But, on the plus side, we did look around for other items, and we found these beauties!


I love these guys! I haven't decided if I'm going to paint the bottom purple instead of the blue to match the walls. We decided to add some cupcake details in the nursery too. Mom is also adding cupcakes to the quilt! Too cute!

27 weeks

It's that time again!

How many weeks along: 27 - 13 weeks left! Started the third trimester today.

Belly button innie or outtie: Still an innie.

Baby is the size of a(n): Eggplant! She weighs just over 2 pounds.

Baby Movement: She is still active a lot at night and for little bits throughout
the day. From what I hear, the baby keeps these habits when they are born, for a while.....looks like I may be up during the night!

Any stretch marks? None, thank goodness!

Cravings? I still enjoy ice cream....had a yummy twisted frosty this weekend from Wendy's, with M& was heaven! I've also been enjoying pickles too, at least more since I've been pregnant. But again, not such a huge craving that I need to send Andrew to the store pronto!

Other pregnancy symptoms: Heartburn decided to pay me a visit for the first was lovely. We had pizza last night for dinner, and soon after I ate it, I felt this weird feeling in my I couldn't digest...and then all of a sudden I had this burning sensation in my throat too! I told (AKA whined) to Andrew about it....he said it was heartburn! Yay........But his solution? Eat some chocolate! :) Gotta love my hubby!

Overall feeling: Overwhelmed! So many things we need to do before my little
cupcake is born! Get the nursery done, find a pediatrician, find a day care....gotta take it day by day I suppose!

Here's my weekly bump picture!

Friday, June 18, 2010

You Know You're Pregnant When.....

Happy Friday! Boy am I glad it's almost the weekend! Andrew and I decided on the carpet for the nursery, and we hope to have that in soon. We are also going to look at our crib and glider one more time to make sure those are what we want, and order them! Yay to progress on our nursery. Now on to some fun.....

You know you're pregnant when.....

-The first thing people look at now when they meet you is your stomach.
-You can be entertained for hours by just looking at your belly and waiting for it to move/pulse/jump, etc.
-You are constantly looking at everyone's strollers, seeing what you like and don't like. You were even tempted a few times to pull your car over just to ask the mom what brand she had and if she liked it.
-Ice cream becomes the 5th food group.....and the 6th....and the 7th.....
-Weird things start to accumulate on your new "shelf", such as food crumbs, lint, etc.
-You wish you always wore a sign that said "I am due Sept 21st, it's a girl, we're not telling you her name, and I feel great!"

I'm sure I can think of more later, but that's it for now!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

26 weeks

Yesterday marked my 26th week. Baby girl can now open her eyes! Of course I don't believe there is much of a view right now.......

Here is the official bump picture

How many weeks along: 26

Belly button innie or outtie: Innie, but almost to the point of it being flat!

Baby is the size of a(n): Eggplant! She weighs 2 pounds now!

Baby Movement: She's an acrobat! Not only can I feel her kicks, but I can actually feel her moving from one place to another. Last night Andrew was talking to her, and I swear she moved to get closer to him! Awwwwww :)

Any stretch marks? Still none!

Cravings? None really, though ice cream has been on my mind recently, probably because it's been so hot out!

Other pregnancy symptoms: Fingers and feet are swelling more frequently. I think it's the combination of the pregnancy and it being so HOT out!

Overall feeling: Still feeling good, although it is getting harder to do certain work at my desk. I like to get under my desk real close sometimes, hard to do that with a belly protuding!

Have I mentioned how hot it has been recently? And it's only June! Today the temperature is supposed to get to about 95 with a heat index of 105! Good thing I work inside. I used to laugh when my mom told me stories of "the hottest summer in NJ" when she was pregnant with me. Looks like I may be telling my daughter the same story, HA!

So all of a sudden, I got some anxiety about the upcoming arrival of my daughter. When I think that I am 26 weeks pregnant, it doesn't bother me so much. But when I think I only have 14 weeks left.....EEEEKKKK!! And if I go as early as 3 weeks before, I only have 11 weeks, that's not a lot of time! There's still so much to do before then!

I also realized that this is the last week with no plans.....meaning after this week, we will be going, going. Next week starts our birthing classes (YAY!) and we have our next pre-natal appt. So from here on out we will have something going on each week, and at the beginning of July, we start going to the doctor every other week! Baby is coming whether we are ready or not!

So I'll leave you with a picture that I calms me....just me and my girl!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nursery Details

In my researching of nursery ideas, here are some cool things I found along the way that I may try to incorporate into the room.

These are from a seller on Love these pom poms! And you can pick any color(s) you want!
A very cool mobile idea. I'm thinking instead of using butterflies, using Mickey heads, to add that Disney flair, and doing them in my colors. Again, this was found on - love that site!

These are bow/hair clip holders. You can do an image, baby's name, or any image you want.

And lastly, a cool idea for hanging baby girl's name. Either with paint or possible decoupaging scrapbook paper.

Nursery progress-color scheme

As soon as we found out we were having a girl, my mind starting spinning on what I wanted the nursery to look like. I knew I didn't want your typical pink nursery, and since my favorite color is purple, I thought, oooh let's do purple! I also knew I didn't want to get a matchy match bedding and have that EVERYWHERE! So I started researching nurseries that I liked, and started to analyze why I liked them. I was making myself the client and trying to figure out what I liked. This was harder to do than I realized.

Once I had the main color idea, I needed to figure out what other colors I liked with purple? Due to my work background, I am surrounded by fabrics CONSTANTLY! And the newest trend coming out is purple and grey. And I was loving it!

Then Andrew had an idea....why not add some Disney flair to the nursery? If you haven't been to our home, we have Disney stuff everywhere, from ride posters, to statues, etc. So, how to add in some Disneyness, without getting all "themey"?

Insert baby Minnie:

She's cute!!! Hmmm.......but she's pink......I guess I can have a little pink in the room!

So the color scheme became Purple, Grey, with pink accents, rose pink to be exact.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

25 weeks

Today I am 25 weeks along!
How many weeks along: 25
Belly button innie or outtie: Innie
Baby is the size of a(n): Eggplant!
Baby Movement: She is kicking all the time now, mainly in the middle of the day and at night. Andrew can feel her kicks without pressing on my tummy.
Any stretch marks? None so far (let's hope it stays that way!)
Cravings? None really
Clothing: Almost everything is maternity! Thank you to my sisters for all of their contribution! Still have a few tops that aren't maternity that I wear.
Other pregnancy symptoms: My back pain has subsided for the time being. I've been trying to sit up straighter, take more walking breaks, so hopefully that is working!
Overall feeling: I feel great, I have lots of energy, and am so excited to meet our daughter! Part of me wants her here right now, but the other part of me is trying to enjoy just being pregnant.

Pregnancy Recap

Since I'm starting this blog a bit late in the pregnancy stage, I figure I better do a recap of important events and milestones up to this week, which today is 25 weeks! Woohoo!

Let's journey back.........

January 18: I go to my normal doctor for a routine checkup. I hadn't had one in a real long time, and with Andrew's blood pressure issues, I figured I'd better get checked out. All is going well, and then we're reviewing the blood work, and I casually ask if they check to see if I'm pregnant. And the conversation goes like this:

Me- do you usually do a pregnancy test?
Dr.- no, do you want us to do one?
Me- nah, I don't think I'm pregnant...
Dr. -when was your last menstrual cycle?
Me- December 15th....
Dr. -wow, you're late! do you want one?
Me -no, I'm always this late....
Dr -lets do one, it'll only take two minutes
Me - ok......

So I went and took the urine test, the whole time thinking "why am I doing this, this is stupid, I'm not pregnant!"And 2 minutes later the doctor comes back in, and says IT'S POSITIVE!! BIG FAT POSITIVE!!!!!I couldn't believe it.....kept telling the dr to shut it! HA! Then I took the blood test, and would have to wait to hear........OMG!After the dr, I went home to tell Andrew. I was so flippin excited, and knew he would be too. I walked in the door and told him to look at the prescription I got. Prenatal vitamins? Took him a second to believe it. You're pregnant?? He looked excited and scared all at once! :) That's how I felt too!!!

January 19:'s official! The drs. office called me today to tell me the blood test confirmed it, I am PREGGO!!! Had to call Andrew right away. We are very excited, nervous, anxious, scared, EVERYTHING!

January 26: Had a last minute ultrasound today. I've been having a few issues for a couple days, so I called the dr and they had me come in to make sure everything was ok. And it was! I wasn't as far along as I thought I'd be, but we did see the yolk sak! So now the baby is known as "little yolkie"! Awwwww!

February 1: The morning sickness has set in. Nothing sounds good to eat, all I'm eating is saltines and water.....haven't been actually sick, just nauseous all the time, and sooo tired!

February 9: 9 weeks into pregnancy. Our first official pre-natal appointment! We got to hear the heartbeat, so amazing! Only met with the ultrasound technician and one of the nurses. Also met with the financial women to set up all our appointments, and tell us how much going to the doctor will fun!

March 18: I'm 13 weeks, had another pre-natal appointment with one of our doctors, Dr. Karen. We both liked him very much. I was a little concerned with one of the doctors being a male, but he was awesome! And we confirmed our due date of September 21st!

April 22: 18 weeks today! Going for our doctor appointment, with Dr. Karen. The nurse couldn't find the heartbeat, so we got an ultrasound, SCORE! And since I was far enough along, she told us what she thought the sex was....GIRL!!!!!!! Andrew and I are beyond excited! We didn't care if we were having a boy or girl, but knowing now is soooooooo exciting.

April 23: Our big ultrasound to find out the sex and measure the baby. Since the ultrasound tech already told us the good news, we didn't tell the other tech doing this ultrasound, wanted to make sure they concurred! And sure enough, both of the other techs confirmed she was a girl! So now 3 different people have said girl, so we are pretty sure it's as accurate as can be!!!! :)

May 17: 22 weeks. Pre-natal appointment with Dr. Lewis. She is very bubbily, and super nice! Both Andrew and I loved her! Checked my blood pressure, weight, urine. I had a few questions, and all was great! We went over the measurements from the big ultrasound, and our baby girl is right on track!

Phew! So that is the recap up to this point, 25 weeks pregnant! Pictures coming soon!

Monday, June 7, 2010 a nut shell

So a little background on "Us".
Andrew and I were married on November 10, 2006. We dated for almost 5 years before getting hitched.

Us on our wedding day!

We are total Disney freaks! Love all things Disney, have annual passes, we try to go all the time...we even had our wedding reception at Disney!

And we had Mickey and Minnie at our wedding Disney freaks!
About Andrew: He's 29 and is currently the CFO at a credit union in Orlando. He is a numbers guy, has an incredible memory, and a dry sense of humor. He is an unbelievable husband and best friend. He loves UCF football (and UF football), the Minnesota Vikings and Twins (and the Yankees).
About Suzanne: I'm 26 and am an interior designer.  I design for timeshares, restaurants, offices, residential...pretty much all things! I'm pretty fortunate to have a great job that I love, and am always doing something new. I love to sing and bust a move. I don't have a good memory, can be sort of a klutz at times... I love me some Florida football (and UCF football) and Yankee baseball (and the Twins).
Come September 21st, we both get to add mommy and daddy to our resume! Parenthood is going to be some journey, but we are both up to the exciting challenge!

My 1st Post!

Greetings all! So Andrew and I are going to be blogging now!
We figured this is the perfect place to document our lives, especially now with a little one on the way. Both of us will update, so hopefully we will keep this blog going (unlike some other projects I've started and never completed!)

We hope you enjoy our journey through this amazing pregnancy, and onward as we journey on our way together!
